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Community Foundation Achieves $4.8 Million in Grant Making for FY 2014

The Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore (CFES) recently celebrated achieving the distribution of $4.8 million in grants to the community for fiscal 2014. During the past 12 months, the Foundation distributed 1281 grants to nonprofit and faith-based organizations to help improve the quality of life for citizens in our region. Pictured are Community Foundation board members (front row from l to r): Mike Truitt; Susan Purnell; Stephanie Willey; Jane Corcoran and Melody Nelson, CFES Board Chair. Second row (from l to r): Duke Marshall; Greg Tawes; David Vorhis, Treasurer; Don Taylor; Lauren Taylor; Dr. Carolyn Johnston; John Allen, Vice Chair; Tom Coates; Lou Taylor; Kathleen McLain; Jim Almand; Ernie Satchell and Andy Kim. Not pictured: John Barrett; Todd Burbage; Charles Goslee; Jim Morris; Jim Thomas, Secretary and Dr. Julius Zant

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