A new study will provide the first-ever documentation of nonprofit impact on Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore. Highlighting the significant role nonprofits play in the region’s economy and quality of life, The Lower Shore Nonprofit Economic and Social Impact Survey will be conducted from April 20, 2018 to June 1, 2018 with the results released in early 2019.
“It is of the upmost importance that as many nonprofits participate in this study as possible,” states Erica Joseph, President of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. “The information provided will help to ensure a full and accurate picture of the industry and establish the impact we have on our region. Mission, age, history, size or type of programs do not matter – every nonprofit counts in this study.”
The survey will study nonprofits serving Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties and will use data collected from nonprofits via online survey, existing data from the Internal Revenue Service, and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. Survey partners hope the study will create a complete picture of the regional nonprofit industry by analyzing programmatic, operational, and financial management aspects of the organizations headquartered in and/or serving the residents of the region.
Conducted in partnership with Maryland Nonprofits, and locally led by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Greater Salisbury Committee, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, Tri County Council, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, and Worcester County Economic Development the study is a true depiction of area leadership and collaboration for the benefit of the region.
To participate in the survey or learn more information, visit LowerShoreNPimpact.org

Partners of the Lower Shore Nonprofit Economic and Social Impact Survey. Pictured left to right: Mike Pennington, Tri County Council, Mike Dunn Greater Salisbury Committee, Erica Joseph Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Kathleen Momme' United Way. Partners not pictured, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and Worcester County Economic Development