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Please follow the steps below for troubleshooting various products offered by CFES.

On the CFES Donor Portal, after logging in I do not see any fund, or am missing a fund.

Please email David Plotts, Shelbie Thompson, or Jessica Meehan and one of us will fix this for your.

On the CFES Donor Portal, when I try to load a Fund Statement or a PDF I get an error "Invalid URI"

Please try another browser, such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Also, make sure you have a PDF reader installed, such as Adobe Reader https://get.adobe.com/reader/

On the CFES Donor Portal, I receive an error about the security of the connection.

This typically occurs when your browser it out of date. Please update your browser. Directions for various browsers can be found here: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/guides/how-to-update-your-browser/

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